30 April 2007

What love is

Heidi's pastor recently preached on love. Not the romantic kind, but the love of Christ and what it means to followers of Christ.
  • Love is a verb. Love is not love without action.
  • Jesus' examples of love were action packed -- healing, preaching and teaching.
  • If God is love, then God, too, is always in action.
Yesterday my pastor shared similar words in his sermon. Although I've heard them thousands of times, they really hit me.
  • For God so loved the world -- the world, not a particular group, people that we like, etc. If God so loved the world, God loves creation and all people even if we find them or their actions to be despicable.
There's a bumper sticker that I love: "God bless the world. No exceptions."

22 April 2007

More questions than answers

This blog will be musings on the questions I have about faith. I'm not expecting asnwers. Unlike Pat Robertson, I do not know the mind of God. ;) Writing can be quite cathartic. I'm hoping these posts will lead me a little farther down the questioning road.

I liken this blog to this particular Bizarro cartoon. The picture is of God at the entrance to heaven. There's a guy in front of him waiting to get in. God says something like "You were a believer, yes, but you forgot the 'not being a jerk about it' part."